Top Ten Tuesday: Blogging Confessions


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week, they will post a new Top Ten list that one of their bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Anyone can join!

Blogging confessions, eh? Man, do I have a bunch of those… let’s see…

1. I’ve gotten bored with my current blog. Yup, it’s true. Not so much the content, I still love reading YA books and talking about them. But I feel like my blog has limited me to ONLY reading and reviewing YA books. I have so many adult books that I want to read, but I feel like I can only focus on YA because of this blog…

2. My TBR list is growing at an alarming rate. The nearest bookstore to me is about 2 hours away, so when I go, my book haul is always massive. I can’t read as fast as I buy, which leads me to…

3. I’m not a fast reader. I see all these book bloggers who can do multiple book reviews a week and I struggle to do one every 2 weeks or so. Aside from my blogging slump right now, I haven’t written a book review in a while because it gets me down that I don’t read as fast as others…

4. I almost NEVER go to the public library. This is because I usually buy my books, as I want to OWN them, not borrow them. I really should frequent the library more though…I AM a librarian, after all.

5. When I hear about the friendships bloggers have formed with other bloggers, it makes me sad. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not sad that they formed friendships. I’m just sad that I haven’t formed any, though I suppose my lack of continuous blogging hasn’t helped that recently.

6. I hate giving a book a bad rating, even if I didn’t like it. I just feel so bad about even thinking about giving a book a bad rating!

7. I am terrible at commenting on blogs. I think about doing it and even come up with a comment, but then just…don’t.

8. I judge books by their covers, but I’ve covered that before in a previous post.

9. I wish I could schedule blog posts. Some blogs are just so organized. Nope, not mine.

10. I’ve stopped requesting ARCs because I’m scared I’ll hate them…and I don’t want to.

Do my confessions match up with anyone else’s? I’m hoping I’m not alone!

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Blogging Confessions

  1. I totally agree with all of these except I’m a pretty fast reader. I just read so fast I don’t make time to write reviews!! I like your blog! I saw you on Book and a beverage talking about YALLfest. Have you been? I’m interested in going but don’t know what to expect.

  2. +JMJ+

    I’ve formed (and lost track of) a few blogging friendships in my time, and so I know they’re actually kind of beyond our control! You could post lots of original content very regularly and not necessarily be any closer to forming them. The keys are the chemistry between two people and the magic of being “in the right place, at the right time.” The two best blogging friendships I ever formed were with bloggers I didn’t really have much in common with, but who liked engaging with me and who wrote stuff that I liked responding to as well. And now don’t let my story make you sad, because . . . those two friends have since grown tired of their blogs and moved on to other projects. So even great stories can have bittersweet endings.

    Nevertheless, you should hang in there! You never know who might be reading and what it will take to spark a really great relationship. =)

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